Game Day Snacks: Super-Bowl of Super Foods

Nutrition Facts  (click here for cals, carbs, fats...)
  • 4 medium avocados
  • 1 cup pico de gallo
  • 1 tsp Lynda's spice mix (or salt to taste)
  •  juice of one lemon

It's guacamole, guys.  Come on ... you know the drill ... mush it all together

Baked Sweet Potato Chips  
Nutrition Facts (click here for cals, carbs, fats...)
  • 3 yams
  •  spritz of olive oil spray
  • 1 tsp Lynda's spice mix

Clean and slice 3 thin yams.  If you have a mandolin, great, if not, just use a sharp knife to slice the pieces as thin and uniformly as possible.  Lightly spritz with olive oil spray and sprinkle on some spice mix (or use sea salt if preferred).  Line the chips onto a baking sheet and place into a preheated 350 degree oven (try not to overlap pieces).  Cook about 30 minutes or until crispy, flipping half-way through.

Baked Kale Chips
Nutrition Facts (click here for cals, carbs, fats...)
  • bunch of kale
  • spritz of spray on olive oil
  • 1 tsp Lynda's spice mi

Break up kale into bite sized pieces.  Wash and thoroughly dry (salad spinner works nicely).  Spritz with olive oil spray and sprinkle with spice mix or sea salt.  Bake in pre-heated 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes (or until dry and crispy).


Nutrition Facts (click here for cals, carbs, sodium...)

  • 2 tbsp of raw ginger root
  •  2 cups water
  •  4 splenda packets
  •  2 cups carbonated sparkling water (like Perrier)
  •  2 cups red wine
  • juice of one lemon
  • juice of one lime
In a pot, make a simple syrup with 2 cups water and splenda, and steep in a large piece of peeled raw ginger (about 2 tablespoons worth).  Once the simple syrup is infused with ginger flavor. poor the giner syrup into sparkling water for homemade diet ginger ale.   Mix wine and juices and add ginger ale.  Cut up whatever fresh fruit you have on hand and add to the sangria.  Serve over ice.